Monday 23 March 2015

UNIABUJA Admission Requirement for undergraduates

Image result for uniabujaGeneral Admission Requirements for First Degrees
An applicant to the University of Abuja for a first degree must satisfy all faculty and departmental requirements as stated below. In addition, the applicant must possess the following minimum qualifications for admission:

100 level: Candidate must possess Senior Secondary School Certificate or equivalents with credits in five subjects in not more than two sittings. A candidate must in addition have an acceptable score in the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Examination or a  Diploma, NCE with at least lower credit.

200 level: a candidate must possess two A'Level passes or equivalents in addition to credits in three other subjects at the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations or equivalents or a Diploma, NCE with at least Upper Credit

In all cases, O'Level credit in English Language is required. In addition, a credit in Mathematics is required for all science-based specializations, Accounting, Sociology, Geography, and Economics.
Remedial Science Programme
Candidates for admission into the Remedial Science programme must have attempted Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the Senior Secondary School Certificate examination and must have at least three credits, two of which must be in the above-named subjects.  However some faculties may differ in their requirements See requirements based on faculties.
The Remedial Science programme has duration of one academic session.
The university operates a semester System. There are two semesters in a session with each lasting about 17 weeks. The University operates course credit system. One credit unit is attached to 15 hours of lecture or tutorial; other equivalents of 15 hours of lecture are: 5 hours of laboratory or field work one semester of teaching practice One year of industrial attachment for agric students; six months for other students.
A full-time student is required to register for a minimum of 15 to 16 and a maximum of 24 credit units per semester.
To qualify for the award of a degree, a candidate must have earned not less than 120 credit units for programmes that last four years. A student whose academic performance as measured by the cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) falls below 1.00 at the end of any year of study is considered to be on probation. A student whose (CGPA) falls below 1.00 at the end of probation is required to withdraw from the university. Academic programmes like, Law Agriculture, Engineering, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, run for between 5 to 6 years and are therefore assessed based on the requirements at various stages of the progress of the students.
As at today, a total number of 63,117 students are studying in te various programmes of the University, out of which 15,931 are regular undergraduates engaged in full-time studies, 3,664 are Postgraduate students, 38,260 are distance learning students while 5,262 are students of the Institute of Education.

The following activities take place in an average academic session in the University. Exact dates and schedules are given at the beginning of each session.

Nov. / Dec. - Resumption of Returning Students
                      - Arrival of Fresh Students
                      - Registration / Orientation
                      - Christmas and New year Break
Jan. / March  - Matriculation of Fresh Students
                         - Lectures (13 Weeks)
                         - Examinations (4 weeks)
April / May    - First Semester Break
May/June      - resumption of second semester
June. /Sept.  - Registration (1 week)
June. / Sept. - Lectures (13 weeks)
                        - Examinations (4 weeks)
Oct. /Nov.     - Second semester Break
                        - SIWES
All course units shall normally be examined at the end of the semester in which they are taken.
Examinations may take the form of written paper, oral examinations, practical’s, and the submission of projects, assessment of coursework or any combination of these methods.
Continuous Assessment shall form part of the end of course grade, but shall not exceed 30%. The continuous assessment may be in the form of papers, tests, assignment, practical’s etc. As may be applicable to respective subject areas.
In order to admit to an examination leading to a degree or diploma of any of the Faculties of the University, a candidate must:-
  1. Satisfy the minimum entrance requirements (and where applicable, the additional faculty requirement(s) as provided for in the regulations governing admission;
  2. Follow an approved course of study for a prescribed period;
  3. Pay all fess prescribed as and when required;
  4. Comply with such other regulations and requirements as may from time to time be prescribed.
All students are required to attend a minimum of 75% of each and every prescribed course before they are allowed to sit the examination in the course. A candidate who falls to meet this condition is considered to have failed the examination relevant to that course.
Every candidate entering for an examination of the University shall be required to complete an easy form giving details of the papers to be sat.

There is a total of 2,186 staff, comprising of 549 academic staff, 522 senior administrative and 1,115 junior staff, in the service of the University.

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