Saturday 28 March 2015


Image result for UNIZIKQ- sir, the first promotion done under your administration, which was due by October 2014 came in good time unlike what obtained in previous years. How come?

Ans- Recall that during the first interaction of this administration with UNIZIK staff, I informed that hard work will be rewarded. UNIZIK staff were called upon to rededicate themselves to duty, embrace commitment, good ideals and be focused in their services to the Institution.

I have been in the system for quite a long time and I know where the bottle necks are and as such I know how to overcome most of them. All Units were informed last year by the Promotions Appraisal Committee to bring up appraisal matters on time as the administration has decided that it was useless waiting for arears when due process can be followed if all concerned do their part in good time. All Units who brought up their promotion issues on time as advised were promoted accordingly without delay. And we promise that this tradition will continue in the years ahead.

Q- Work has started in earnest on the road to the beautiful gate, what do you have to say about that?

Ans- The beautiful gate is the welcome gate to the University. I want to thank the Anambra State Governor, Chief Dr. Willie Obiano for his support and his predecessor Mr. Peter Obi for donating the sum of one hundred million Naira for the road rehabilitation. We want to reconstruct the road to give it a befitting look and a new look to the University. We matched the fund given to us by Anambra State Government with our own development fund in order to give it a befitting touch, both aesthetic features and deserved material enforcement. We are going to make sure we conclude it in this dry season, before the rains come heavily.

Q- A little while ago, you promised that your administration will install more Sports Structures (Courts, Indoor Sports Complex etc) within the Campus.

Ans- Sports and sports engagement are issues I cherish very well. Sports is a strong passion in my life and I know the youth need structures like that to keep them reasonably engaged and off evil vices.

Considering the population of students on this Campus, such sports structures are needed. The young should also be allowed to excel in sports as well as academics. Presently, we have put up adverts to that effect and we have received TETFUND intervention fund from the Federal Government which will go a long way in starting work in the area of sports structures. These will provide facilities for staff and students to discover their talents.

Q- Prof, will there be Convocation Ceremonies in UNIZIK this year 2015?

Ans- Yes, there will be Convocation Ceremonies towards the end of the year. Preparation is already on with the Constitution of all relevant committees, gathering data, compiling and computing results. Efforts are on ground to put all necessary instruments and documentation needed on ground. The Convocation Committee will soon be inaugurated.

I believe Convocation should be an annual event like matriculation. You usher the students in and welcome them through matriculation, the ones leaving should also be bid farewell as they leave, not years after they have left. This administration hopes to make Convocation a more consistent event than it used to be.

Q- Sir, this will be your first Convocation as VC, what do you have to say to that effect? What are we to expect?

Ans- Let’s wait and see!

Q- Digressing a little Sir, why give screening exam for CEP? Is it an NUC mandate or the internal decision of UNIZIK?

Ans- It is a UNIZIK Management decision to define our standard and screen the best of the lot. Universities all over the world define their standards. Graduates of UNIZIK carry the same certificate, so why give a lower standard at the point of entry for CEP. This screening exercise makes it more authentic, more professional and academic. In the past people began to think that CEP was for idle lazy people who only had to present their O’ Levels to be admitted. But it behoves us to right that wrong impression by selecting the best trainable candidates for the trainers. It is important for us to be sure that these ones who we admit will stay in school and complete their programme, some abandon their programmes half way in the past because they got it on a platter of gold and so they commonize the admission. UNIZIK does not need unteachable and unnecessary nuisances. We need to select the right people who really need the degree they came to study for and not people who will while away their time.

There was also very high subscription for UNIZIK CEP and as NUC had stipulated that only a certain percentage of the regular students should be taken, we had to do a thorough and fair screening so that no one will feel left out or cheated.

Q- Sir, you always speak about University Culture, zero tolerance for malpractice of all kinds.

Ans- This administration will celebrate excellence and hardwork and will not hesitate to punish those who will want to tarnish the good image of this Institution. Our watch word remains Excellence, Discipline, so it is zero tolerance to indiscipline.

It is our decision to clean up all units, departments, faculties of those who diminish the reputation of this University. We have commenced and we will not stop at that. We are ready to resist anybody who wants to give the University a bad name. We must uphold the good legacy of our founding father Great Zik of Africa, the Owelle of Onitsha whose name the University is named after.

This is a University where certificate is earned and staff are advised to live above board. Even our students should watch it and not fall foul of our high standards. The bad eggs on all sides cannot be hidden for long; their stench will definitely give them away.

Q- Sir, what do you see as you look into the future? Four years from now, what do you hope to leave as a legacy in UNIZIK after five years?

Ans- My dream and vision is to leave UNIZIK as a University where students will pass through and be job creators, not job seekers. To leave a work force of conscientious, disciplined, hard working men and women. To produce professionals who need not to be ashamed but who will distinguish themselves and be the best in what they’ve been trained to be no matter the area. To enshrine and maintain good academic culture, good academic standing, optimize our activities, to provide facilities for both staff and students to discover the best in them, talents, skills, crafts. To practice what we teach/preach, from UNIZIK we can turn around our nation’s economy by putting down in practical terms what we have in our heads, attach price tags to what we have put together, take the lead in driving industrialization, technological advancement and entrepreneurship. As we achieve this, we will help in removing our nation from being a bursary nation (supported by others), from being a consumer nation to a strong economic stakeholder in the world. These are what I believe and see of UNIZIK in the next few years. I see a UNIZIK that will be the focal and starting point where the economic and industrial emancipation of the nation and Africa in general may take off.


The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ahaneku, FAS has charged the newly converted staff of the University to redefine their work culture and be role models in the society.

The Vice-Chancellor gave this charge at an orientation programme organized for the newly converted staff of the University held at the Auditorium which was aimed at acquainting the staff on basic rules and regulations guiding the University system.

Prof. Ahaneku while congratulating the beneficiaries on their successful conversion urged them to be law abiding and committed to service.  He encouraged the staff to re-double their commitments to duty through good work attitude and obedience to authority.

The Vice-Chancellor however frowned at the nonchalant attitude of some of the newly converted staff as regards their commitment to assigned duties.  He described such attitude as irresponsible.

He reassured members of staff of the administrations readiness to celebrate hardwork and staff who have distinguished themselves through selfless service to the University and the society.

In the same vein he admonished the newly converted academic staff to rededicate their commitment to academics stressing that the University will not want people who will act like inhibitors in the value change of the institution.

He further implored the beneficiaries to make good use of the new ranks to improve quality of service in the University.

The University Registrar, Barr. C. C. Okeke while addressing the staff emphasized that the new position calls for discipline and responsibility and urged them to be diligent in their duties and to continue in the good works that earned them the elevation.  He also expressed appreciation to the VC for his support in making the conversion exercise a reality.  The Deputy Registrar (Personnel), Dr. Hyacinth Isidienu further charged the newly converted staff to always get acquainted with the University’s system as well as being up to date with the day to day administration of the Institution.

The Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (Anambra State Chapter) has nominated UNIZIK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph Eberendu Ahaneku, FAS for her Distinguished Excellence Award. This Award is in concrete recognition of the Vice-Chancellor’s outstanding performances and professionalism in the discharge of his duties.

The Award ceremony which is slated to form part of the activities marking the Chapter’s 2015 Annual Reputation Summit will hold on April 29, 2015.

Friends and well wishers can congratulate our amiable Vice-Chancellor based on the following Advert/ Goodwill message subscription as announced by the NIPR.

The Rates are as follows:
Inside front page                                                N60, 000
Back page                                              N70, 000
Inside back page                                     N60, 000
Center spread                                         N80, 000
Full page                                               N30, 000
Half page                                              N20, 000
(All full colour separation)
Please note that submission deadline for pictures and messages, is April 10, 2015. Contact DIPR on 08060492273


The University Management has received with dismay a lot of complaints of insubordination by some staff and has warned the defaulting staff to desist from such act. According to a letter signed by the Registrar Barr. C. C. Okeke, he noted that the insubordination is noticed especially among those on the Clerical and Executive Officer Cadre.

According to him, some of such staff refuse to perform duties assigned to them on the grounds that such duties are degrading for their ranks. They would rather sit and watch the air or television and chat away precious time instead of doing the needful to earn their salaries.

Speaking on the Federal Government reform of its work force in 2006, the position of Office Attendant/Cleaners was phased out of all Federal Government Establishments, including Universities. Out of magnanimity of the University Management, all Office Attendants and like staff who had additional qualifications were converted to Clerical and Executive Officer Cadres in order for them not to lose their jobs. Such staff and their equivalents were to dualize as Office Attendants. The days of Cleaners and Office Attendants as career cadres in the University System have, therefore, gone.

Henceforth, he said that any further complaints against any staff will attract severe disciplinary action.


The Management of Nnamdi Azikiwe University has promised to provide more teachers for the University’s Demonstration Nursery and Primary School. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ahaneku, FAS made the promise when the P.T.A of UNIZIK Nursery and Primary School paid him a courtesy call.

According to the Vice-Chancellor, the new teachers will fill the vacuum in the required subjects to enable the School continue in its path of excellence. While promising that the Management will wade into the school’s transport issue, Prof. Ahaneku promised also to provide chairs and desks for the pupils.

Prof. Ahaneku thanked the P.T.A for assisting the University in making the Primary School look like a true Demonstration School. He said that the primary school serves as workshop for the Faculty of Education. The UNIZIK Demonstration Primary School, he said, ought to set standard for other Primary Schools to follow.
Earlier in his speech, the Chairman of the PTA, Prof. Emeka Ezeonu appreciated the Vice-Chancellor for tremendous improvement in the University. He also thanked him for not relenting in the pursuit of excellence. He went further to enumerate all the challenges facing the school and to plead for assistance. Present for the visit were Vice-Chairman of PTA, Dr Godson Okafor, Headmistress of the school, Mrs. Nkoli Ejesi and some teachers of the school.

The attention of the Management has been drawn to illegal writing of names for colleagues as a way of escaping the sanctions of lateness to work. It has also been observed that most of the queries from SERVICOM emanate from this act.
University Management has warned that, henceforth, defaulters in this act would be seriously penalized. The act of writing names for colleagues and signing false signature is not only unethical but also criminal. To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed.
The Nnamdi Azikiwe University’s Inaugural Lecture Committee has been reconstituted with Prof. Amechi Oyeka as the Chairman of the committee.  The Committee has scheduled four inaugural lectures in 2015 as follows:
(1)        April, 30, 2015              Prof. Emeka F. Ezeonu
                                                Department of Biochemistry

(2)        June 25, 2015                Prof. Tracie Utoh-Ezeajughi
                                                Department of theatre Arts

(3)        October 29, 2015           Prof. Cecilia Eme
                                                Department of Linguistics

(4)        November 26, 2015        Prof. Richard Uwakwe
                                                Department of Medicine

As is the tradition in the University system all over the world, every Professor is expected to deliver an inaugural lecture before retirement, preferably within one year of attaining the rank of professor.  The Committee has observed that apathy as well as the cost of preparing and delivering the lectures may have contributed to the very low rate of inaugural lecture presentation in Nnamdi Azikiwe University.

Fortunately, potential inaugural lecturers can now heave a sigh of relief as the current University Administration headed by Prof. J. E. Ahaneku as the Vice-Chancellor, has taken the bull by the horn by undertaking to cover the cost of all expenditures involving printing and publication of the inaugural lectures, invitation cards, banners, posters, entertainment of guests at the venue of the lecture, publicity and decoration of the venue for the lectures.

The Committee hopes that with this development, our professors are now better motivated to deliver their inaugural lectures, a necessary University tradition which every professor should endeavour to uphold.

The detailed uniform format for preparation of the final printed copy of the inaugural lecture by the Committee will be made available to all interested professors.  All professors who have not yet delivered their inaugural lecture are encouraged to take advantage of this window of opportunity offered by the Vice-Chancellor and the University Management and inaugurate themselves.  Interested professors should apply to the Chairman of the inaugural Lecture Committee indicating the title of the lecture and the suggested date of presentation.  All enquiries should be directed to the Secretary of the Inaugural Lecture Committee, Ogonna Nwokeke, Deputy Registrar, Senate.


Two students from the Department of Music, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Mr. Eze Gerald Mmaduabuchi and Miss. Okpokwasili, Chinazo Roselin have been invited for competition towards the final selection of ten (10) students who will benefit from the Christopher Kolade Prize for excellence in Music. The students had earlier passed through the first stage of selection and are expected to compete with other student from different Nigerian Universities.
Christopher Kolade Foundation awards the CK Prize in honour of Dr. Christopher Kolade who has a longstanding love of music. Nominees must demonstrate academic distinction, innovation and musical talent.

The entire University Community wishes Eze Gerald Mmaduabuchi and Okpokwasili Chinazo Roselin successful and excellent outing.

UNIZIK Business School invites application from qualified professionals of all background who are desirous of acquiring general management education for effective leadership in business and government.
Degree Programme
1.         Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
2.         Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA)
Admission requirements
An application for admission into Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) and Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) should possess any of the following:
i.    Holders of Bachelors degree from any approved University with a minimum of Second Class Honours (Lower Division),
ii.   Holders of HND and/or professional qualification in any of the disciplines in Management Sciences will be considered,
iii.  Graduates with Post Graduates Diploma PGD in Management Sciences could also be considered,
iv.  All candidates for admission must have a minimum of one year managerial/supervisory level work experience in private or public sector and/or two years self-employment experience.

Duration of Programmes
All programmes of UNIZIK Business School are offered on Friday evenings and Saturday to suit the convenience of busy executives.  The duration for the programme for EMBA and EMPA is four semesters.

Methods of Application
Application form for EMBA and EMPA should be completed on-line by logging onto payment of N20, 000.00 (Twenty thousand Naira) into First Bank Plc as application fee.  Print a copy of the completed form.

Download and print the transcripts form.  Attach the referee’s reports as well as your certificates to the printed form and forward to the Director, UNIZIK Business School, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, P. M. B. 5025, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria not later than six weeks from the date of this publication. Rev. Prof. Anayo D. Nkamnebe. Director

Chisco Institute of Transportation Studies in UNIZIK offers the certificate programme and maintenance services:
Certificate Programmes in the following topic;
        I.            Auto Mechanics/Mechatronics
     II.            Tyre care, Wheel, and Suspensions
   III.            Auto Body care and paintings
   IV.            Car driving (Driving School)
     V.            Transportation Operations
   VI.            Highway Operations
VII.            Rail Line operations
VIII.            Aviation Operations
   IX.            Safety
Maintenance Services in the following areas
        I.            Motor Maintenance and servicing
     II.            Auto body care (car wash)
   III.            All brands of car (computerized) Diagnostics
   IV.            Digital Wheel Balancing
     V.            Fully Mechanized Tyre care and vulcanizing
   VI.            Computerized Wheel alignment

The programmes are available for this session and could also be organized in an executive mode to accommodate people already working in different organizations.
Charges are affordable as it is University based training. Certificates bear both UNIZIK seal and the seals of appropriate body backing the branch training each candidate intends to undergo.

The Directorate of Research innovation and development calls FOR inventory of research and research specializations
The Directorate of Research innovation and development calls on deans of faculties for inventory of research and research specializations
The Directorate of Research, Innovation and Development is compiling an inventory of ongoing researches and staff areas of research specialization for records and use. To that effect the Director Prof Emeka Ezeonu most humbly requests that Deans provide the Directorate with the relevant information in respect of each Faculty. The desired information should be provided for each Department in the Faculty using the following formats;

Staff areas of research specialization/interest (This should be provided for all academic staff).
Staff name
Staff Department/Unit
E-mail address
Area(s) of research specialization/interest

Inventory of ongoing researches
Research project title
Name of principal investigator
Funder/Funding Agency (Indicate self for self-sponsored projects)
Preferably soft copies of the compilations should be submitted in a DVD to the Directorate Office at the
Ekwueme Multidisciplinary Research Building or forwarded online to the following e-mail, on or before 31st of March, 2015.


In furtherance of his avowed commitment to support and promote research and the culture of academic enquiry in our University, the Vice-Chancellor is already working hard to appropriate funds for research. To ensure a targeted and focused effort he has directed that Faculty-based research colloquium be organized by the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Development to enable a proper distillation of ideas and evolution of University Research Agenda targeted at solving the immediate problem of the Nigerian society and to which such research fund should be dedicated.

As informed by the Director, Prof. Emeka Ezeonu, this is an anticipatory step preceding the advertisement for competitive research grants. The idea is to ensure that limited research funds are not unnecessarily dissipated but targeted to projects with immediate or future benefit to the society. As well, it is intended to guide in the search for external research funds by the Directorate.

Take Note
Time for the colloquium each day is 10.00am-1.00pm
Attendance is mandatory for all academic staff
The Dean of the Faculty shall be the convener for the colloquium
The Vice-Chancellor or his representative shall preside
The Deans shall appoint rapporteurs to record the proceedings
Research themes should be agreed to by the Faculty
As much as possible multidisciplinary research interests should be considered
Lunch shall be served.

The distilled and agreed research themes should be submitted to the Directorate of Research, information and Development within one week of the exercise.

April 7, 20115
University Auditorium
Basic Medical Sciences
April 7, 2015
College Auditorium(Okofia)
April 7, 2015
University Auditorium
April 8, 2015
University Auditorium
April 9, 2015
University Auditorium
Environmental Sciences
April 13, 2015
University Auditorium
Health Sciences/Technology
April 13, 2015
College Auditorium (Okofia)
April 14, 2015
University Auditorium
April 15, 2015
University Auditorium
April 15, 2015
College Auditorium (Okofia)
Pharmaceutical Sciences
April 15, 2015
Fac. Seminar Room (Agulu)
Physical Sciences
April 16, 2015
University Auditorium
Social Sciences
April 17, 2015
University Auditorium
Agricultural Sciences
April 20, 2015
University Auditorium

Blessed Iwene Tansi Major Seminary, Onitsha invites the University Community to the Maiden Convocation Ceremony of the  2012/2013 and 2013/2014 sets on Monday, 23rd of March, 2015. Time: 10.00am


The first year students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University commenced their first semester exams on the 9th of March, 2015.

It is worthy to note that the first year students were supposed to begin the exams with the rest of the regular students, on the 23rd of February, 2015 but considerations were made, to enable them cover the curriculum for the examination. UNIZIK Bulletin Crew visited some Faculties to ascertain the tempo at which the exams were going.

At the Faculty of Arts; the 100Level students who were uniformly dressed in black and white were writing Ling 111 titled Elementary Igbo and other Nigerian languages. The students were being supervised by the course lecturer Derek Orji and Dr. L. Nkamigbo. At Department of Theatre and Film Studies, the year one students were writing THA 153 titled Communication Model in Theatre and Media with Tochukwu Okeke and Arinze-Umeobi Somto as supervisors.

At the Faculty of Management Sciences; The first year and second year students of Entrepreneurial Studies were writing Ent 116 titled Entrepreneurial Marketing. The Course lecturer Chukwudi Njelita was supervising them.

At the Faculty of Education; the 100Level students of the Education Management and Policy were uniformly dressed in carton colour writing History and Introduction to Educational Management. They were supervised by Rev. Dr. Wenceslaus Oforjebe. However, there was a special student with someone beside her assisting her to read out the question while she answered by typing.

At the Faculty of Social Sciences; the year one students of Psychology were writing PSY 131 titled Psychobiology. With them was Mr. Toochukwu Oguegbe and Joe-Akunne Chiamaka as their supervisors.


The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) has written to congratulate UNIZIK for the design and fabrication of an Aero dynamically stable mini version of formula one car. According to the letter signed by the COREN Registrar, Engr. W. Kamila the design was a manifestation of the trust and confidence that the Engineering family of the Country has the capability of the future generation. He said that it is a testimony of tremendous contributions to the field of engineering in particular and the society at large.

Engr. Maliki went on to say that this will be the beginning of many opportunities to prove the worth of the University, whose wealth of experience and capabilities will be used to propel the Nigerian Engineers to the next level. It is hoped that the University will continue to carry out more research and innovations so as to bear more development in the Engineering profession in Nigeria.

Women Academics In Agriculture (WAIA) has scheduled to hold its inauguration ceremony as follows:
Theme:  -           Food in health and well being
Date:                 -           24th and 25th of March, 2015
Venue:              -           Chike Okoli Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies UNIZIK
Time:                -           10am

UNIZIK Nursery/Primary School will hold its school interhouse sports competition and commissioning of PTA Projects on 20th of March, 2015.

The Vice-Chancellor has magnanimously provided the shortfall in the 2014 Staff Productivity Bonus items thereby, enabling the few staff who were not able to collect the bonus items to do so.

The affected staff are requested to collect evidence/eligibility note from their Faculty/Departmental Representative and come forward to the Administrative Block/Store for their due shares as from Wednesday, 19th of March, 2015. Ensure also that the eligibility note is duly countersigned by the Chairman of Staff Productivity Bonus Committee Mr. Alex C.  Amuzie before collection.


Management at its 323rd meeting held on Monday, 26th of January, 2015 considered the above subject and noted as follows:
a.       Many applications have been received from indigent students for the Work-Aid Scheme
b.       There is presently no clearly defined schedule/functions and assessment for the work-Aid students
c.Hostels, faculties, Halls, Departments, Classrooms and other University environment/lawns could be maintained and kept clean by the students in the work-Aid scheme and the five thousand Naira (5,000) stipend to the work-Aid students was too small and could be reviewed upwards.

Management, therefore decided as follows
i.         To engage the services of its students in the Work-Aid scheme
ii.       The students in the Work-Aid scheme should be involved in keeping the classrooms, halls, hostels, auditorium in the University clean and they should also be charged with the responsibility of ensuring environmental cleanliness and management of their Departments/faculties by picking of litters and throwing them into the waste bins.
iii.      The qualification and application for recruitment into the students work-Aid scheme should be CGPA of 2.5 and the appointment should be renewable on a yearly assessment of the students performance and
iv.      The University should restrict its recruitment into the work-Aid scheme to a maximum of one hundred students per session/year.

It, therefore approved the upward review of the stipend for work Aid students from five Thousand naira to Ten thousand Naira monthly.
Management also directed that the student’s work-Aid scheme should be advertised in the University Bulletin.

Change of Name
Former Name
New Name
Miss. Loveth Nwamaka Okeke
Mrs. Nwozor Loveth Nwamaka
Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry

YWedding BellsY

v Sister Chinwendu Regina Tabansi of the Directorate of Infrastructure and Development  shall on Saturday 6th of April, 2015 walk down the aisle with her heart-throb Brother Kenechukwu Ukandu @ St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Isulo Orumba South L.G.A, Anambra State. Time: 11.00am. Reception follows at St. Luke’s Hall Isulo.

v The families of Chief Ejesi (Ifemelumma) of Umuonunu, Alum-Inyi and Late Mr. Augustine Nduba Akagworo (Okwadike) of Umuomam, Enugwu-Inyi both in Oji River L.G.A invite the University Community to the traditional marriage of their children Austin Odirachukwumma (Ebubenwa) & Uchenna Bunyechukwuekene a daughter of Mrs. Nkoli Ejesi of UNIZIK Primary School on 4th of March, 2015 at 2pm. Venue: Chief Amos Ejesi’s Compound Umuonunu, Alum Inyi.

v Pascal Ejike Odega of Works Services will wed his heart throb, Adaobi Chidimma Ezeakunne on Monday 6th of April, 2015 at Church of Pentecost (Anglican Communion) beside Government House, Awka. Service begins by 11am. Reception follows immediately at White View Hotel & Towers, Ifite, Awka. (Jennifer Hall).


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