Sunday, 5 April 2015

2015 OAU PROCEDURE FOR PAYMENT OF FEES(Acceptance, Main Fees & Accommodation)

You can now login to the OAU e-portal with:

Username - UTME number
Password - Surname

PROCEDURE FOR PAYMENT OF FEES(Acceptance, Main Fees & Accommodation)

All payments MUST be initated from the University PORTAL by clicking on "PAYMENT OF FEES" from student's Home Page to download PAYMENT SLIP for each type of payments you want to make i.e. separate PAYMENT SLIP for Acceptance, MainFees and Accomodation (optional). The University PORTAL will determine the type of payments available for you. For example, if you are granted a BEDSPACE, Accommodation fee will authomatically appear. Please do not pay for accomodation until you have secured a BEDSPACE on the NET as such payment will not be refunded.

Present 2 copies of the printed PAYMENT SLIP to any branch of the Bank you select on the PORTAL for payment. It is expected that Bank will collect a copy while you keep a copy for yourself after stamping by Bank. PLEASE NO PAYMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED IN ANY BRANCH OF BANKS IN OAU CAMPUS.


Upload your digital passport photograph of dimension 360 X 400 Pixels (10cm X 11cm) in JPEG format with Skye Blue background. Maximum size of 50 KB.
Upload your digital signature of dimension 110 X 44 Pixels (3cm X 1cm) in JPEG format with white background. Maximum size of 3 KB
Verification of your Particulars. You will be required to correct any error discovered
Load your certificates details online
Scan your certificates including your Birth Certificate in JPEG format and upload them
Upon successful completion of (i) - (v) above, the system will allow you to print your SCREENING CERTIFICATE if you meet the screening requirements. You will later submit it with the photocopies of your credentials including Birth Certificate to your Faculty Secretary in order to activate you for issuance of Matriculation Number. If your ONLINE Screening is NOT successful, report with your credentials to your Faculty Secretary for further screening.

Download the following items for your use and complete the Medical forms for submission at the Health Centre for your medical registration. The items are:- OAU ROAD MAP, 2013/2014 HARMATTAN SEMESTER LECTURE TIME-TABLE, ENTRANCE MEDICAL EXAMINATION FORM, HEALTH QUESTIONARE, UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION REGULATIONS, LIBRARY INFORMATION and SPORTS REGULATION.

To accept , Click [OK, I ACCEPT] to print PAYMENT SLIP for ACCEPTANCE FEE for payment at any branch of the bank selected but NOT in OAU CAMPUS. To reject, click [ADMISSION REJECTED]

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