Tuesday 7 April 2015

Yemen conflict: Aden a 'ghost city' as death toll rises

A man stands beside a tank manned by pro-government militia in Aden 
The battle for the Yemeni port of Aden has turned it into a "ghost city", the head of the ICRC has told the BBC.
Robert Ghosen said medical aid was urgently needed in the city, where Shia Houthi rebels are fighting forces loyal to the government.

Aid agencies say more than 540 people have been killed in recent fighting and more than 100,000 have been displaced.
Aircraft from a Saudi-led coalition are bombing the rebels in support of the internationally recognised government.
President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi fled to Saudi Arabia last month as the rebels pushed south from the capital, Sanaa.
As the rebels have advanced on Aden, the port has also been shelled by Saudi forces from the sea.
Fighting escalated in the city this week, with reports of overflowing hospitals, hijacked ambulances and bodies left in the streets. read more

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