As a born introvert, i decided to join the church work force six months ago to get more used to people and also to work on the shy part of me.
Two of my sisters are in the church choir and they have both gisted me of how the supposed brother and sisters of God use to continually have sex with each other
TWO Lesbians Incharge Of Female Students In Madonna University Elele Campus - Education
We are only four girls out of almost 25 guys in my subgroup and to be sincere, all these people are really nice and most times don't bother we girls too much on works to be done.
The problem now is reality is beginning to show itself as some guys in the choir have already started eyeing me, i don't mind them anyway and I guess they must have assumed me to be an easily convinced type of girl just because of the way I smile
One is always trying to get my attention in church while the other will not stop disturbing me on whatsaap
The same me that thought of joining the church choir is already having a rethink of going back to my former self as a bench warmer
Xenophobia: 8yrs Old South African Girl Mocked For Bearing A Nigerian Name - Foreign Affairs
I don't know the kind of Christian we call ourself but having sex with Co workers right in. Church is just not done, in most cases the girls are at the loosing end cos every guy in church will know how that guy slept with you and they will probably wanna get under her skirt too
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