Friday 5 June 2015

Men Of God Gat The Best Wooing Lines Are Still The Best, Check This Out - Religion

Here is how a man of God asked a sister out:

Oh! sister Elizabeth. . . Sorry I'm sweating profusely, I just descended from the mountain.

On 19th of May, exactly 12PM, i was in a trance and I saw 5 girls, 3 from choir, 2 from the usher and i said: God! what is this?
God said to me, son! one of this girls will be your wife.
And i asked: God! what should i do now? And God said: son, go ye to the mountain and pray/fast for 14days.

Immediately! sister Elizabeth, you won't believe it, i packed all my things and headed to the mountain.
While i was in the mountain fasting and praying, i said God! reveal unto me that particular lady who will be my wife.
On the 14th day, Behold! i heard the voice of the lord like a thunder saying: Son! i want to deliver unto you, that lady that will be your wife!
And behold! As i looked, I saw YOU coming from heaven with a wedding gown, and i said: God! what is this?
God said unto me: THAT IS YOUR WIFE!!! I said: God! I know sister Elizabeth from a distance, God said: go unto her and tell her what I've said for it's only thou violence that taketh it by force!
So i ran down here to tell you straight away that God said YOU WILL BE MY WIFE!!!!!!

Isn't that the best wooing line ?

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