Friday, 17 April 2015

6 Core Leadership Qualities That Make You Exceptional

 leadership qualitiesThere are many qualities you must have heard that a leader must possess. However, a careful observation of world’s most renowned leaders reveals five exceptional leadership qualities that made them different and outstanding. These qualities are not the kind of stuff you acquire in leadership seminars or management courses. They stem from an internal disposition which relates to a sense of purpose, self-worth, and self-concept. These qualities made leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther king (Jnr) etc. exceptional;

1. A Belief In Oneself: Leadership is a matter of personal conviction and strong belief in a cause or aim. You cannot lead others if you have no confidence in your own abilities. The way you see yourself is the way you will serve (leadership is service) others. It is important to understand that the world usually forms its opinion of you primarily from the opinions you have of yourself. People usually see you the same way you see yourself. Your leadership is influenced by your self-definition. How a leader defines himself matters. People are naturally drawn to whoever exhibits strength and can inspire them. Self-confidence is therefore a fundamental basis from which leadership grows. It helps a leader make tough decisions when needed. Leadership without self-confidence is like on a foundation of sand.
2. A Passion For One’s Assignment: Passion is an indispensable tool in leadership. It is the driving force and the motivation that sustains the focus of a leader. Leaders don’t just do, but they feel what they’re doing. Every true leaser has a cause or goal he or she is very passionate about. To become an exceptional leader, you must find a purpose for your life that produces a passion for living. Passion generates the discipline that keeps leaders stuck with their vision and mission even in the face of strongest opposition. When a leader is passionate, people feel a deep sense of being led in a worthy direction by someone who is committed to something more important than his or her own individual glory. Passion stems from a clear knowledge and understanding of what you are born to do (purpose). When you have passion for what you do, people are naturally attracted to get involved.
3. A Love For People: The basis of leadership is people. Leadership is centrally concerned with people. According to Maxwell, the leader’s job is to “connect” with people, so that we can take them on the journey. True leadership gives people cause, a reason for living, and a sense of significance that gives meaning to their lives so that they feel necessary and purposeful. True leadership is not manipulating the people but inspiring the people. Leadership without love dehumanizes and trivializes people. We need leaders who love their followers more than they love their goals and objectives. The concept of serving is fundamental to the leadership role. True service is a product of love. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
4. A Willingness And Capacity To Walk Alone: According to Harry Truman, “To be able to lead others, a man must be willing to go forward alone.” As a leader with a passion, dream or a mission, there comes moments in your life when you must have the courage to stand alone and if need be, walk alone. Often times that must happen before others will begin to buy into your cause or vision. It shows how much you believe in your cause, it tells others that you are willing to give the cause all you have. There are times the pressure will be severe and followers begin to back-off. This is time you as an exceptional leader must stand alone and fight alone.
5. A Sense Of Satisfaction From The Success Of Others: Exceptional leaders build people. They are willing to empower, add value and ensure their followers succeed. What helps them achieve this is their personal security. Some leaders are so insecure that when they see a potential star, they try to push that person down because they worry that the person in question will one day be better or achieve more than they have achieved. Only secure leaders can give their powers to others. An exceptional leader does not seek to be the only one who is ‘great’ he rather seeks that people around him develop their potentials and become great also because success as a leader is success in people.
6. Integrity: Exceptional leaders live by a higher standard than their followers. They walk their talk. Their day-to-day behaviors support their beliefs. They are incorruptible and find it difficult to break the trust others have in them. Integrity is very important in leadership because it’s hard to follow someone you can’t trust. Integrity is about the leader’s commitment to do the right thing for the right reason, regardless of the circumstances. It is the leader’s consistency in actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcomes. It is a product of discipline, security, identity, convictions, values and ethics. Charismatic personality may draw people, but only integrity will keep them.

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