The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the 3rd Annual Conference of the School of Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure cordially invite you to its 3rd annual conference holding between Tuesday 30th June and Friday, 3rd July 2015.
About Ondo State and Akure Ondo State, the Sunshine State of Nigeria with capital inAkure, was created in 1976 from the old Western State. The state has a population of over 2.5 million people and is blessed with abundant human and natural resources. The people are well educated, friendly and hospitable with rich cultural heritage. The state is rich in oil, gas and has the largest deposit of bitumen in Africa. It is also the second leading cocoa producing state i~ Nigeria.
Akure, the capital city of Ondo State is an agrarian community with a population of over 500,000. The city houses the Federal University of Technology (PUT A), Federal College of Agriculture, School of Nursing and Midwifery and many others. Affordable and decent hotel accommodations, supermarkets and tourist attractions are available in the city and outside the city. Tourist centres include the Dejis palace and Idanre hills. The temperature of Akure is projected to be between 26 and 32°C in July.
About the Federal University ofTechnology,Akure (FUTA) FUTA came into legal existence in September, 1981 but academic activities did not begin formally until November. 1982 with an enrolment of 149 students in three foundation Schools, namely the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) , the School of Pure and Applied Sciences (SPAS) now School of Sciences (SOS) and the School of Earth and Mineral Sciences (SEMS). Over the years, more Schools have been established bringing the number of Schools in the University to seven (7). The additional Schools are the School of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SEET), the School of Environmental Technology (SET), the School of Management Technology (SMAT) and the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS). Today, FUTA boasts of an enrolment of over 13,000 students. FUTA also houses a Business Development Company (FUTA BDC), a Computer Resource Centre (eRC), a Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), a Centre for Research and Development (CERAD), a Centre for Space Research and Applications (CESRA), a Centre for Entrepreneurship and Gender Issues in Science and Technology (CEGIST) and runs a Pre-Degree programme in Science (PDS) and a University Diploma programme in Science (UDS).
FUTA was adjudged the best University of Technology in Nigeria by the National University Commission (NUC) in 2004; produced the Nigerian best Researcher of the Year in 2007; emerged the fifth best University in Nigeria in 2009; and was ranked among the best 50 Universities in Africa in 2011. In 2010, FUTA became the Centre of Excellence in Food Security - a feat that attracted a grant of $700 million from the World Bank. Of particular importance to the Universitys academic growth are two programmes that distinguish FUTA from other Universities. These are Mining Engineering and Meteorology. FUTA is the only University in Nigeria that offers Mining Engineering and the only University in West Africa that offers Meteorology. Many hotels and guest houses are located very close to the University.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome and we hope you will have a wonderful time.
The theme of this conference is Academia-Industry Partnership: Key to Technological Development in Nigeria. There are six sub-themes which have been stated earlier.
Participants and delegates are expected to arrive at the conference venue and commence registration from 12 noon on Tuesday 30th June, 2015. Opening ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday 1 st July at 9.00am, followed by Plenary session at 10.30pm and exhibition. Technical sessions will hold on Thursday 2nd July at 9.00am at different venues to be announced. Excursion to FUTA Wildlife Park on 2nd July. Friday 3rd July is slated for departure.
Abstracts of original scientific research or excellent review articles (of not more than 200 words, type written using MS word, double spaced, 12pt font size in Times New Roman, on one side of A4 paper with 2.5cm. margins on all sides) should be sent to the following not later than 30th May, 2015- sosfuta20
The title of the manuscripts should be in upper case, centre aligned and followed by the narne(s) of the authors (Corresponding author or presenter at the conference should be asterisked) and their postal addresses and e-mail. The papers should encompass the general theme and sub-themes focusing on recent trends in research and development in various fields of science. *Good quality papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in a special edition of the schools journal. Therefore, participants should come along with an electronic copy ofthe full paper and three hard copies
Full Registration --- N10,000.00
Corporate ---- N20,000.00
Student ----- N5,000.00
Exhibition 20,000.00
ADVERTISEMENT FEES (In book of abstracts)
Inside cover page 40,000.00
Back cover 50,000.00
Half page 25,000.00
Quarter page 15,000.00
Agriculture/Chemical companies, manufacturers, research institutes, State Agricultural Development project Non-Governmental Organisations, Local Government Councils, tertiary institutions, booksellers and other related organisations are invited to take advantage of the conference to exhibit their products at the stated fees.
ACCOMMODATION The following are some hotels/guest houses and around FUTA and their tarrifs:
Excursion to FUTA Wildlife Park.
For farther enquires,
you can contact any of the following:
Prof. (Mrs.) I. A Fuwape (Dean, School of Sciences) Tel 08138663405
Prof. G. Oboh (Chairman, LOC) Tel 07031388644
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