I have here 12 habits that differentiate highly creative people;
They Observe With Interest: Highly creative people don’t just observe, they observe with interest and have a keen eye for detail. They are “watchers” of people, nature and pattern of things around them. This often inspires their creative abilities. The more they observe, the more they are likely to come up with new ideas
They Are Curious And Inquisitive: Highly creative people have a high sense of curiosity. Let’s just say they are insatiably curious. Their curiosity spurs them to ask critical questions and seek answers. This helps them fish out what is not easily noticeable by others.
They Use Their Imaginations: To Imagine means to form a mental image(s) of something that may or may not have been perceived through the five senses. Your Imagination if constructively used can unleash your creative ability. Creativity most times begin with the imagination. The more you use your imagination, the more creative you are likely to be.
They Follow Their True passions: Highly creative people are usually found doing something they have passion for. This is because people are usually more creative in whatever they are passionate about. Discover your strengths and passion. Follow them. You will find out that you are more creative in those areas than any other.
They Stay Inspired: Creative people usually stay around people, environment and things that inspire them. We all have our “high moments”. In such moments we are usually inspired with lots of creative and valuable ideas. These “high moments” are usually triggered by certain things; it could be colours, books, music, places or people. Discover what usually trigger your “high moments” and stay close to it.
They Seek New Experiences: To be highly creative you need to love novelty and adventure. Worn out routine dampens creativity while fresh exposures and new experiences fuels it. Be bold to chart into unfamiliar terrain. Explore your inner and outer world. The more exposure you have the more creative you are likely to be.
They are not Traditional, But Flexible: Creativity challenges status quo. That a system, method etc. has age long existence does not make it effective or efficient. Highly Creative people are lovers of change. They try to see issues from different perspectives and proffer a better solution.
They Create Time For Reflection And Mindfulness: Creativity demands a focused mind. Little wonder many highly creative people are loners. Many who do creative jobs usually spend a good amount of their time in solitude. It is in this period of solitude that they connect with their inner creative voice and activate the “antennae” of their minds. This helps them make connections between already known facts to establish new ones. These are what we usually call insights.
They Have The Courage to Take Risks: Highly Creative people are risk takers. They aren’t afraid to fail neither are they afraid to make mistakes. It is not enough to conceive wonderful ideas. Taking the needed step to put your ideas into action regardless of the opposition is what makes the difference. Remember the purpose of creativity is to create a better change. And until you put your creative idea into action, that cannot happen.
They Embrace self-development: Creativity demands that you avoid complacency like a plague. A mind that has gone stale has little or nothing to offer. Check out the creative brains behind many successful companies what you will see is a bunch of ardent and consummate learners.
They Follow Their Intuitions: There are times you have slight knowledge, a strong feeling or suspicion about something even when you do not have verifiable facts. That’s your intuition at work. If your intuition is strong about a thing, follow it! It is true that you have to seek advise and go with facts. But creativity usually demands that we go outside the norm. Thomas Edison the inventor of electric bulb tried and failed 1000 times before he succeeded. I once asked, “What could have kept him going even in the face of failures”? Now I know it was his intuition. Somehow he knew it was possible, somehow he knew it could work. All that was needed was a little adjustment here and there. And did it work? Yes it did at last.
They Are Positive: Highly creative people have a “yes” mentality. They are able to adapt and apply their minds especially during times of stress.That’s how they are able to see “a better way” in seemingly hopeless situations. As a matter of fact challenges and needs are often what spark the fire of creativity. But it all depends on your level of positivity.
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