Saturday 13 June 2015

Jamb Chemistry Questions

Jamb Chemistry Questions

 Akahi Tutors, Ile-Ife.BCP TEST

The phylum Porifera possesses the following characteristics except
Choose one answer.

a. All are hermaphroditic

b. Marine

c. Free moving

d. Two layers of cell

The following are examples of flatworms except
Choose one answer.

a. Wuchereria bancrofti

b. Schistosoma

c. Taenia

d. Fasciola hepatica

In which stage of mitotic cell division does nuclear envelope starts to disappear?
Choose one answer.

a. Prophase

b. Metaphase

c. Interphase

d. Anaphase

The following is true of conditions necessary for photosynthesis except
Choose one answer.

a. Water

b. Sunlight

c. Carbon dioxide

d. Oxygen

What unique metabolic activity occurs in the chloroplast?
Choose one answer.

a. Photosynthesis

b. Photorespiration

c. Excretion

d. Respiration

Many bacteria manufacture their food from the following compounds except
Choose one answer.

a. Sulphates

b. Nitrates

c. Nitrites

d. Phosphates

The partial pressure of oxygen in a sample of
is 452 mmHg and the total pressure is 780 mmHg. Determine the mole fraction of oxygen in the mixture.
Choose one answer.

a. 5.790,

b. 0.579,

c. 2.030,

d. 0.203

i.Tetrahedral, ii. Trigonal pyramidal, iii. Trigonal planar, iv. Angular, v. Linear. With reference to (i) to (v) above, the shapes of beryllium dichloride, water, ammonia, boron trifluoride and methane respectively are
Choose one answer.

a. i, ii, iii and iv,

b. ii, iii, iv and v

c. v, iv, ii, iii and i,

d. iv, v, ii and iii,

What orbital is described by the quantum numbers n = 2 and l = 0?
Choose one answer.

a. 4d orbital

b. 2s orbital

c. 2p orbital

d. 1s orbital

What type of chemical bonding exists between BF3 and NH3?
Choose one answer.

a. Hydrogen bonding

b. Dative bonding

c. Metallic bonding

d. Ionic bonding

If 25 mL of 0.75M HCl are added to 100 mL of 0.25M NaOH, what is the final pH of the solution?
Choose one answer.

a. 12.70

b. 1.30

c. 12.80

d. 1.20

A copper block of mass 40 kg rest on a wooden plane inclined at 30A to the horizontal. It is found that the least force parallel to the plane which causes the block to slide up the plane is 10 kg. The coefficient of static friction between the wood and the copper is:
Choose one answer.

a. 0.289

b. 0.319

c. 0.430

d. 0.400

The magnitude of force required to just move a 20 kg object along a horizontal surface if the coefficient of static friction is 0.2 is:
Choose one answer.

a. 20 N

b. 4 N

c. 40 N

d. 0.4 N.

During respiration, part of the energy is lost in the form of:
Choose one answer.

a. Catabolism

b. Carbon dioxide

c. heat

d. ATP

The two types of anaerobic organisms are
Choose one answer.

a. Partial and symbiotic anaerobe

b. Obligatory and fermentation

c. Obligatory and partial anaerobes

d. Fermentation and partial anaerobes

Which of the following is not true of meiotic division?
Choose one answer.

a. Anaphase 11 is essentially mitotic

b. Homologous chromosomes separate in Meiosis 1

c. Meiosis occurs in the production of sex cells

d. Chromatids move to opposite poles in Anaphase 1

The structure of the mammalian kidney consists of the following except
Choose one answer.

a. Cortex

b. Nephron

c. Urethra

d. Medulla

Which of the following statements give the correct definition of oxidation? (i) Removal of hydrogen from a substance, (ii) Addition of an electronegative element to a substance, (iii) Removal of an electronegative element from a substance, (iv) Addition of electrons to a substance.
Choose one answer.

a. i, ii and iii only

b. ii, iii and iv only

c. i only

d. i and ii only

The tube that brings urine from the kidney to the bladder is
Choose one answer.

a. Bile duct

b. Urethra

c. Ureter

d. Uterus

Which of the following animals does not belong to the Phylum Arthropoda?
Choose one answer.

a. Centipedes

b. Earthworm

c. Millipedes

d. Crustaceans

The following are true of digestion in Hydra except
Choose one answer.

a. Digestion is by enzymes secreted from the digestive cells in the body cavity.

b. Their digestion is done intracellularly

c. They feed mainly on small crustaceans

d. They feed with aid of tentacles

Nutrition includes the study of _____________.
Choose one answer.

a. process of digestion

b. all of the above

c. the organism's food

d. the way an organism obtains food

Which of the following structures or regions is correctly paired with its function?
Choose one answer.

a. Thalamus- constitutes the homeostatic control centre

b. Cerebelllum- unconscious co-ordination of movement and balance

c. Medulla Oblongata- controls many involuntary movements of the body especially those with respiration,
beat and digestion

d. Cerebrum- sites of consciousness and sense of self

Which of the following is/are uses of radioactive isotopes? i. Cure of cancer, ii. Preparation of medicinally active compounds, iii. Determination of the ages of ancient
Choose one answer.

a. i and ii,

b. ii and iii

c. i and iii,

d. i, ii and iii,

The rate law for the reaction 2A + B C was found to be Rate = k[A][B]2. If the concentration of B is tripled, what will happen to the rate of the reaction?
Choose one answer.

a. It will increase by three times

b. It will increase by nine times

c. It will stay the same

d. It will increase by two times

For the types of radiation given, which of the following is the correct order of increasing penetrability?
Choose one answer.

a. Beta particles

b. Gamma rays

c. Alpha particles

d. Beta particles

Nitrogen forms various gaseous oxides. One of them
has a density of 1.33 g/L measured at 764 mmHg and 150oC.What is the formula of the compound?
Choose one answer.

a. N2O

b. NO

c. N2O5

d. NO2

Which of the following can be achieved by the application of distillation techniques? (i) Desalination of sea water, (ii) Separation of low-melting metals from other metals, (iii) Separation of a dye into its colour components, (iv) Obtaining ethanol from palm wine.
Choose one answer.

a. ii, iii and iv only,

b. iii and iv only,

c. i, ii and iv

d. i and ii only,

A U-tube contains some mercury of relative density 13.6. If a liquid of relative density 0.8 is poured into one arm of the U-tube until the height of the mercury in that arm is reduced by 1.5cm. Calculate the height of the liquid.
Choose one answer.

a. 25.5 cm

b. 7.25 cm

c. 17 cm

d. 51.0 cm.

A density bottle weighs 0.5 N when empty and 1.631 N when full of glycerine at 0°C. When full of glycerine at 100°C its weight is 1.577 N. Determine the cubic expansivity for glycerine if the linear expansivity for glass is 8 x 10-6K-1.
Choose one answer.

a. 2.4 x 10-5 K-1

b. 5.0 x 10-4K-1

c. 5.08 x 10-4K-1

d. 5.24 x 10-4K-1

If the wavelength of a wave travelling with a velocity of
ms-1 is 60 m, what is the period of the wave?
Choose one answer.

a. 0.17s

b. 37.7s

c. 6s

d. 3.6s

A copper block of mass 40 kg rest on a wooden plane inclined at 30A to the horizontal. It is found that the least force parallel to the plane which causes the block to slide up the plane is 10 kg. The coefficient of static friction between the wood and the copper is:
Choose one answer.

a. 0.400

b. 0.319

c. 0.289

d. 0.430

Surface waves travelling in deep water at 15 ms-1 are incident at a shallow water boundary. If the angles of incidence and refraction are 45° and 30° respectively. Calculate the speed of the waves in shallow waters.
Choose one answer.

a. 10.6 ms-1

b. 8.1 ms-1

c. 22.5 ms-1

d. 10.0 ms-1

During his campaign for re-election, the governor promised to build special schools for ……………in the state.
Choose one answer.

a. the deaf

b. deafs

c. deafness

d. the deafs

e. deafed

My mother warned me to refrain from taking……..from my friends.
Choose one answer.

a. bad advice

b. bad adviser

c. many bad advices

d. some bad advices

e. bad advices

Hippopotamus is a _______ word while untie is a _______ word
Choose one answer.

a. simple…complex

b. complex…compound

c. complex…simple

d. simple…compound

e. None of the above

“Traditional transmission” means
Choose one answer.

a. human language is something inborn

b. B and C

c. human language is community oriented

d. human language is not something inborn

e. A and B

The subordinate clause in “You should stay at home and do the work because time is running out” is
Choose one answer.

a. And do the work

b. You should stay at home

c. Stay at home

d. Because time is running out

e. At home and do the work

The man is a lawyer. A lawyer in this sentence is:
Choose one answer.

a. an intensive complement

b. a subject complement

c. a direct object

d. C and D

e. an object complement

non-compositionality as a characteristic of idioms means
Choose one answer.

a. the words in an idiom cannot be re-arranged

b. B and C

c. the meaning of an idiom is not got by adding the meanings of the component words

d. an idiom is not a song

e. the parts of an idiom are unchangeable

I hate being interrupted in the ……………………..of my official duty.
Choose one answer.

a. cose

b. course

c. cause

d. curse

e. corse

An example of a compound-complex sentence is
Choose one answer.

a. We shall continue to wait for the food.

b. We shall go for the food.

c. Shall we go or shall we wait?

d. Shall we go or shall we continue to wait for the food which has been spoilt?

e. We shall go and we shall be served

Choose one answer.

a. involves both reading and writing

b. C and D

c. an integration of both the productive and receptive skill

d. is a productive skill only

e. is simply a writing skill

The observance of protocols in official gathering before a speech is delivered is done in
Choose one answer.

a. both descending and ascending orders.

b. an ascending order

c. a lateral order

d. a descending order

e. a plateau order

The predicate can be subdivided into its constituents, one of
is ----------
Choose one answer.

a. Lexeme

b. Auxiliary

c. Tense

d. Concord

e. Subject

A sentence formed by combining the source sentences by means of a coordinator is called ------------- sentence.
Choose one answer.

a. Interrogative

b. Compound

c. Compound-complex

d. Exclamatory

e. Multiple-complex

Akahi Tutors, Ile-Ife.BCP TEST 08038644328

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