Wednesday, 3 February 2021

JAMB Form 2021: JAMB Announces Date of Sale of 2021/2022 Registration Form

 JAMB Form 2021: JAMB Announces Date of Sale of 2021/2022 Registration Form

JAMB Form 2021/2022: Is jamb form out for 2021 or when will jamb form be out for 2021, Below is jamb form 2021 price, how to get a jamb form, jamb form closing date and jamb form latest news.

JAMB Form 2021

JAMB Form Update 2021

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JAMB Form Update 2021

Ok, for those aspiring to apply for jamb admission form 2021, here is the latest news about jamb form for 2021.

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), has disclosed that no date has been fixed for the commencement of sales of the application documents for its 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

This was made known by JAMB’s Media, and Information, Dr. Fabian Benjamin, while speaking to newsmen.

The board’s attention has been drawn to some fictitious advertisement for the sales of the 2021 UTME/Direct Entry (DE) application documents purportedly coming from the board.

This is totally false, and an attempt to mislead the public as the board has not rolled out its 2021 application documents.

We have clearly defined channels of communication and as soon as we commence the process, the public will be duly informed via the necessary media platforms.

The board, therefore, want to urge members of the general public not to be hoodwinked into falling prey to the antics of these persons, who derive pleasure in causing confusion.

We all know the global disruptions caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), to education and other sectors of the economy, hence the delay in the commencement of the process as was obtained in previous years,” he said.

Benjamin, however, urged members of the public to always cross-check with the board through its online platforms for authentic information.

Is Jamb Form for 2021 out

For those who are waiting to known when will jamb form be out for 2021, here is the latest news about jamb application form.

JAMB form 2021/2022 and registration date has announced. The sale and registration for all candidates, including those from foreign countries.

When is Jamb Form 2021 Coming out?

This article is intended to provide answers to some of the questions candidates who are seeking admission into Universities, Polytechnics, and Colleges of Education do ask. Few of the questions among many others are:

Has Jamb Release 2021 Form?

When will Jamb form for 2021 be out?

When jamb start selling the 2021/2022 form?

When will jamb form 2021 come out?

When is Jamb 2021/2022 Registration Starting?

A lot of candidates are wondering if JAMB will hold in 2021 or will be postponed till 2022. The JAMB registration form for 2021 is finally being decided, As of last year, the JAMB 2020 Registration began in January 2020 and the Exam started on the April 11th, 2020.

Currently, the Board is yet to announce the JAMB 2021 Registration date but under the assumption, it is expected to begin in February 2021, meanwhile, the Mock Exam will hold in March.

How Much is Jamb Form 2021

According to the board, the registration fee is N3,500 while an additional N500 will be paid to obtain a compulsory reading text “IN DEPENDENCE” for UTME candidates and “The Last Days at Forcados High School” for direct entry candidates.

Candidates are advised in their own interest to register at JAMB Accredited Centres Nationwide and JAMB offices only.


JAMB Past Questions and Answers for all Subject

Tentatively, the MOCK examination shall commence on a later date and the CBT Centres are allowed to collect, through their bank accounts, a separate ₦700 for this exercise from interested candidates after notification of centre has been received by the candidate.”

The 2021 JAMB form is sold at Four thousand seven hundred naira (#4700) only. Below is the breakdown of the cost

  1. JAMB Registration PIN : #3500
  2. JAMB Recommended Novel: #500
  3. Registration Charge at the accredited centres: #700

To download JAMB eBrochure visit the official JAMB website:

The Centre for registration and Name of contact persons for students from foreign countries are listed below. You can also download it in pdf Foreign Centres – Contact Persons

Note: Make sure you only visit JAMB accredited centres only for your registration.

Read Also:

How to Upload Your O’Level Result on JAMB Portal

Requirements for JAMB Registration 2021

The JAMB registration from requirements for 2021/2022 are listed hereunder:

  1. Personal e-mail address and mobile phone number
  2. Create your JAMB profile.
  3. JAMB ePIN registration payment
  4. Visit any accredited CBT centers with your personal details and the profile PIN or Code

Will JAMB Accept Awaiting Result 2021

Dr. Fabian Benjamin who is the head of information of JAMB had made the decision of the board known to the public that henceforth no student will be admitted into any institution with awaiting result. The reason why JAMB made this decision is that many institutions have admitted candidates on merit only for them to discover that such candidates do not have qualified O’levels results. And this has denied other candidates opportunity to gain admission.

However, there is a need to break the decision of JAMB down a little bit for better understanding. Most students who seek answers to the above questions are in a dire situation. One of the situations is that the date NECO result do come out late and the JAMB admission window don’t really support it. This do affect students who are waiting for NECO results.

Admission window into Universities and Polytechnics in Nigeria do open around August and ends January of the following year. The time NECO will release results may not be favorable for candidates to upload when registering for Post UTME screening.

However, there is a solution. According to JAMB, NECO is put into consideration i.e. JAMB will not wait for NECO but will be flexible. Once the result is out, they can send it to us. This looks interesting!

Moreover, some universities like University of Ibadan (UI), OAU, etc. gives students opportunity to select “awaiting result” when registering for Post UTME and given a day to complete and regularise their registration once your result is out.

According to the information I got from the admission office and from my past experience with UI’s admission, there is always a room to update your result on the portal. However, this must be done before the Post UTME screening test is conducted.

How to Buy Jamb Form 2021

JAMB registration for 2020/2021 will start commencement of the sale of JAMB form for 2021. For this reason, I have provided a step by step guide for candidates that may find it difficult to register below:

How to Purchase a Jamb Form 2021

Step by step guide on how to fill a jamb form correctly


  1. Send your name [Surname First Name Middle Name (if any)] as text9SMS) to 55019
  2. A profile code of 10 characters is received on your telephone number used in (i) above


  1. A cell phone number used for the text message is automatically tied to your name and will be used in all communications related to your 2019 Application/Examination
  2. Surname and First Name are mandatory while middle name is optional
  3. Name could be maximum of 38 characters + 2 spaces between names = 40 characters


How do I correct mistake in my Name?

Send [CORRECT Surname First Name Middle Name] to 55019 as a text message from your mobile number for profile Registration in Step 1 (i) above

How do I retrieve profile code?

Send [RESEND] to 55019 as text message from the same mobile number


JAMB Registration Fee is five thousand naira only (#3,500). Additional five hundred (#500) Naira only is paid to obtain the reading text “IN DEPENDENCE” for UTME Candidates and “The Last Days at Forcados High School” for DE Candidates and $20 for Candidates from the eight foreign centre

There are different channels for procurement of ePIN. Candidates should choose the one convenient for him/her

The JAMB ePIN procurement options are:

  2. Four Mobile Money Operators: Paga, e-Tranzact (PocketMoni), TEASYPay, and Packway Projects (Readycash)
  3. Two participating Micro Finance Banks: FUD MFB (Dutse) and Regent MFB (Abuja)
  4. Two online payment platforms: SystemSpecs (Remita) and Interswitch (Quickteller)
  5. POS (Citi-service) – This is available at State Offices of JAMB + CBT Centres, other POS outlets and any CBT Centre that demands it
  6. ATMs of banks listed in (i) above (Interswitch)
  7. USSD (NIBSS AND ERCAS) for mobile banking
  8. Nigeria Embassies in Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Buea, Cotonou, Jeddah, Johannesburg, and London

Payment Procedures for JAMB Registration


  1. Visit JAMB website:
  2. Click purchase of 2019 application document
  3. Enter your profile code
  4. Select payment method (InterSwitch or Remita)
  5. Make payment
  6. ePIN is then delivered to your unique telephone number


  1. Present profile code and pay by cash or card
  2. ePIN is then delivered to your unique telephone number


How do I recover my lost ePIN after payment?

Send [UTMEPIN] OR [DEPIN] to 55019 for UTME or DE respectively from your unique telephone number

The ePIN would then be retrieved and delivered on your unique number


After procuring ePIN, you proceed to any JAMB accredited CBT Centre of your choice for completion of registration. Your name as typed by your phone when registering the profile comes up automatically on the input of theePIN by the CBT centre.

JAMB Examination Date 2021

JAMB Examination Date for 2021/2022 has been officially announced. All candidates who have successfully registered for JAMB will be informed before the exam the time and venue when they will write their papers.

What you must take into the JAMB UTME Centre 2021

Failure starts when you fail to take along necessary document into the exam hall. Please don’t forget to take along with you the following document

  1. JAMB registration slip (very crucial)
  2. Pencil
  3. Eraser
  4. Worksheet will be provided by JAMB
  5. Calculator will be provided by the official on the day
  6. Don’t take your mobile phone along – it is against JAMB exam conduct

JAMB Exam Centres 2021/2022

JAMB will send an e-mail to all candidates who have dully registered for the exam to inform them of their various centers. Other necessary information is contained in the slip which they will send to your e-mail address. It is important to keep checking your inbox and spam folder before the UTME commences.

Amongst other things that will be in your JAMB slip is Examination date and time, JAMB center, subject combination, registration number.

JAMB Form 2021 Closing Date

The deadline for JAMB Registration Form for 2021/2022 has been made known. You will endeavor to complete the online registration before this date else your application will not be accepted.

Read Also;

JAMB Recommended Textbooks for All Subjects

Novel to Read for Jamb 2021/2022

The recommended Novels for Jamb exam 2021 is “SWEET SIXTEEN by Bolaji Abdullai” for UTME candidates and “The Last Days at Forcados High School” for Direct Entry Candidates. The amount payable to obtain the reading text is Five Hundred Naira (₦500).

Summary of the Jamb Novel Sweet Sixteen by Bolaji Abdullai

  1. Author of Sweet 16: Bolaji Abdullai
  2. Genre: The Genre of Sweet Sixteen is Fiction
  3. Number of Pages: Pages is Sweet Sixteen: 157
  4. Publication Year: Sweet sixteen was published on February 1, 2017

JAMB Exam Secret 2021

There are certain things you need to know before you write 2021 UTME. This secret will help you to pass JAMB exam excellently. I have put some articles in place that will help you to have your desired score in JAMB.

Firstly, candidates should bear in mind that JAMB is very easy to pass with a high score. There is nothing that contributes to the poor performance of students in UTME as to the fear of the exam. It isn’t as difficult as you think.

Many things have contributed to the fear of candidates, and one of them is how to write jamb using a computer. A good percentage of candidates don’t know how to use a computer, and since the exam is CBT, their problem becomes aggravated.

You don’t need to be a computer guru to write a CBT. The JAMB CBT centers are made in such a way that will ensure candidates that are not proficient in the use of a computer to write the exam without any hitch. The computer operators and the invigilators are there to assist if you have any problem with the computer.

Trust me, all you will have to do is to handle the mouse, click on answers, click on next, and then click on submit after you have finished the exam.

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