Spiritual consciousness is living your life based on spiritual discernment, insight and revelation.
Have you ever stood on a long and straight road and stared at the distance far ahead of you? You will discover that the two rows of the track seem to eventually taper off and merge into one.
This phenomenon is what is referred to as optical illusion. This is responsible for the spiritual blindness and barrenness of many. They construct their lives based on the faulty testimony of their physical senses!
Why You Should Never Depend on Your Physical Senses
It has been proven that our senses can only perceive 3 dimensions; however there are limitless dimensions in the spiritual world to which you and I belong. When the Holy book says, “All things are possible,” it is not referring to our inadequate three dimensional thinking.
Our senses were never given for spiritual navigation and that’s why an uneducated fellow in the village can discover God while the erudite professor of philosophy cannot. That’s also why you can never “prove” God in a science. The witnesses of your physical eyes and ears will LIMIT your achievement and make your earthly journey miserable.
How Did We Come to Depend So much on Our Physical Senses?
Man was designed to daily receive revelation (knowledge beyond the senses) from his maker. In the Garden of Eden, man walked and talked with God. Before the fall of man, his spirit controls the other aspect (Body and Soul), until a time came when Adam the prime man went contrary to the instructions of his maker, he tampered with the “wrong stuff” and got his core make-up corrupted and went dead spiritually. In compliance to the law of genesis (everything must bear after its own kind), he gave birth to spiritually dead Children. Since then, man started to depend much on their senses and as such became grossly limited in his perception.
Spark Up The Spirit
To become alive again, the human spirit requires “the spark of regeneration”. The un-regenerated heart remains dead, until the Life and Light giving power of the Holy Spirit floods it. This explains the Christian concept: “Born Again”. It is the resurrection of the spirit in man that was dead. One of the results of this experience is the ability to see or perceive beyond the senses (Though many “Christians” have little or no understanding about this). This is commonly referred to as revelation among the Christian folks.
Revelation is what happens when the Spirit reveals or teaches you a truth through “spiritual sense”. When such happens you just know that you know, even when there are no logical explanations or facts to back it up.
Are you a PRISONER of your senses? The solution to your deepest problem does not always reside or spring from your physical senses and conscious mind. You’ll often have to dig beyond three dimensions and tap into revelation knowledge.
source: Successflame.com
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